The DeepImpactXP warm-up and training bat helps hitters develop an optimal swing by increasing batting speed and strength, but more importantly, the DeepImpactXP teaches proper timing and followthrough.
The DeepImpactXP contains a sliding weight that releases as the hitter swings the bat. The weight is designed to strike the end of the bat at the correct moment of optimal bat-ball impact. The movement of the weight and the sound of the impact train the batter to acheive an optimal swing, while illustrating to the hitter any swing flaws due to improper impact timing.
Deep Impact has been owned and used by the following professionals.
The bat trains the hitter to deliver the quickest, most direct path to the ball by teaching how to extend the arms through the hitting zone to achieve extra power at the plate. The DeepImpactXP helps develop muscle and auditory memory, enabling the batter to effectively deliver a proper swing every time.
The product can be used in three different practice drills.
1. No Ball / On-Deck Circle Swinging.
2. Hitting a Ball Off a Tee.
3. Hitting a Soft Toss Ball.
These various practice drills will help the hitter to develop more power and a consistent swing. The product is not recommended with live pitching at any playing level.
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